The Board of Education invites you to attend a Critical Issues Input Session to gather information to be used to set criteria for the background, training, and experience necessary for the new Superintendent of Schools. Our search consultants from New Jersey School Boards Association, Patti Rees and Jeanne Cleary, will explain the search procedure, the roles played by the Board, the staff and the public in the process, and the calendar for the actual search. Discussion will center on the strengths, concerns, on-going issues, and future initiatives which will face the new superintendent. Information gathered, together with input from other focus groups, will be used to shape a variety of candidate review documents and the interview questions.
Please plan to attend this important meeting.
6/4- Columbia Middle School Vocal Music Room
BHEA 3:30-5:30 pm, Public Session 7-9 pm
6/5- Governor Livingston High School Cafeteria
BHEA3:30-5:30 pm, PTO Session 7-9 pm
6/6- Columbia Middle School IMC BHAA
3:30-5:30 pm, Public Session 7-9 pm