
Dear Berkeley Heights School Community,

At the Board of Education meeting on May 7, 2024, District Administration recommended and the Board of Education approved a reduction in the cost of subscription bussing for the 2024/2025 school year. The cost for the Subscription Bus Program will be $500 per student with a cap of $750 per family. 

Here is some additional information regarding the process to apply for Subscription Bussing:

  • The deadline for applying for the Subscription Bus Program has been extended to Thursday, May 23, 2024.

  • The deposit has been reduced to $250 which will be due by 5/23. Deposits can be made through www.payschoolscentral.com or by check payable to BH-BOE.  Checks can be dropped off to the black mailbox at the entrance to the Board Office or mailed to the Transportation Department. The address for both is 345 Plainfield Ave - Berkeley Heights, NJ. Please note, there is a fee associated with payments made via payschool. You can avoid this fee by paying by check.

  • Families can expect to have confirmation if a seat is available by June 28 at which time the final balance will be due.

  • If you already paid the deposit of $500 for one student, your application will be considered paid in full.  

  • If a refund is due, the transportation department will reach out to you directly to coordinate the proper refund.

  • As a reminder, one-way bus service is not available.

In closing, I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to share their thoughts, concerns, and opinions on either side of the matter. I hear your concerns and respect your perspective. Please note that any of the details that we are putting in place are only for the 24-25 school year at this time. My expectation is that District Administrators will continue to work on a transportation plan with the BOE, as well as our community, to support the safety and well-being of our students.

As always, please reach out with any questions.


Robert Nixon

Acting Superintendent of Schools