Parent Advisory Group & Parent Training

Special Education Parent Advisory Committee: Parents of students with IEP's are encouraged to participate in a group to share ideas, provide input and foster a relationship of collaboration and open communication with the District Department of Special Services. Meetings and workshops are subject to change - please visit our webpage to ensure up-to-date meeting dates/times/locations. Meetings will be moderated by the Director of Special Services and/or the Supervisor of Special Education.

2024 - 2025 SEPAC Meeting Dates

Information from Past Parent Training Opportunities

Helping Students with Disabilities Transition from High School to College and Achieve Success 2-16-22

Some of the links that Elizabeth shared during her presentation that was posted to the chat are below:

The handout can also be found below. It is not to be shared or posted elsewhere online please.

Handout: Hamblet College Handout

Getting Ready to Learn at Home

Our district occupational therapists, Joanna Trainor and Jaime Cucchiara, will be hosting a parent training session on March 23, 2022 from 1:00-1:30 pm via Zoom - they will share resource documents they have put together for parents and provide an overview of those documents. This workshop is geared toward parents of K-6 students. Learn realistic strategies to prepare your children to get ready to complete homework to the best of their abilities. 

Recording of Session: Ready to Learn at Home Recording

Handout from Session:  Getting Ready to Learn at Home Handout

DVRS Presentation Slides 11-30-21

BOE Meeting Presentation 10/14/21

Collaborative Consultation BOE Presentation 10-14-21

New members are welcome and encouraged to attend!

These meetings/workshops are subject to change. Please check the Special Services website for an accurate, up-to-date list of SEPAC meeting dates. Additional workshops and parent training opportunities will be posted as they are shared with us from surrounding districts and the Morris-Union Jointure Commission.