District Administrative Team
Dr. Kim Feltre, Superintendent
kfeltre@bhpsnj.org, X 1010
Dirk Phillips, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Achievement
dphillips@bhpsnj.org, X 1020
Anthony Juskiewicz, Business Administrator & Board Secretary
ajuskiewicz@bhpsnj.org, X 1400
Dr. Joseph Cordero, Director of Elementary Education & Intervention
jcordero@bhpsnj.org, X 1065
Steve Hopkins, Director of Special Projects, District Supervisor 6-12 Social Studies, 1-12 World Language
sehopkins@bhpsnj.org x 1750
Dr. Ashley Janosko, K- 12 Director of Guidance, 9-12 Testing, SAC
ajanosko@bhpsnj.org x 2600
Dr. Kelly Curtiss, District Supervisor, Director of STEAM, AP Capstone, 6-12 Science, K-8 Computers, K-12 Art, K-12 Science Assessments
kcurtiss@bhpsnj.org x 1720
Laurie Scott, District Supervisor 6-12 Language Arts, K-12 Media Specialists, K-12 Music, 6-12 BSI, K-12 LAL Assessments, Project Connect
lscott@bhpsnj.org x 1740
Carlos Hendricks, Director of Athletics & Supervisor 6-12 PE/Health and Athletic Trainer
chendricks@bhpsnj.org x 2545
Jeremy Marx, Technology Coordinator
jmarx@bhpsnj.org x 1220
Diane Azalone, Assistant to the Superintendent
dazalone@bhpsnj.org x 1000
Katrina Conley-Ross, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent / HR Specialist
kconley-ross@bhpsnj.org, x 1010
Yuthika Deva, Confidential Administrative Assistant To The Assistant Superintendent
ydeva@bhpsnj.org, x 1020